UN-FAO Resource Sampling Study Recommends Use of Line-point Transect and GRS Densitometer
October 30, 2015 - For Immediate Release
"The line-point transect forest cover assessment method was the most accurate,least expensive, and most easily applied among the four methods tested. This method is scientifically accurate and records forest canopy and floor cover as a set."
This is the major conclusion of a recent study undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) when they recently presented the results of their study "Testing Field Methods for Assessing the Forest Protective Function for Soil and Water" this past September at the XVI World Forestry Congress held in Durban, South Africa. In conjunction with this study the FAO has also published a second paper "Field Guide for Rapid Assessment of Forest Protective Function for Soil and Water" that describes their recommended use of the line- point transect and GRS Densitometer to assess forest ecosystems.