Geographic Resource Solutions

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Home Consulting Lease Management GIS Design and Support

Lease Management GIS Design and Support

GRS provides primary support to ConocoPhillips Alaska’s Exploration and Lands departments.   GRS initially developed and implemented the Land/Lease management GIS for CPAI (then, ARCO Alaska).  This system provides current land status for CPAI management and strategic planning.  The system also provides the base data for CPAI cartographic map products. GRS remains on call to CPAI providing a variety of consulting and geospatial data services.

GRS trained CPAI Alaska employees on the use of GIS software for cartographic applications and data analysis.  GRS has developed customized scripts and programs to facilitate data translation in and out of the CPAI Alaska GIS.  Processes were implemented to translate graphic and attribute data between several external data sources including Autotrol, SAS, ARC/INFO, MicroStation, ZYCOR, and VORTEX.  Data cleaning and reconciliation routines were integrated in the data import processes to maximize data integrity.  GRS continues to provide consulting support to CPAI for application development, system design and administration, training, and data development.



GSA# GS-10F-0451NESRI Consultant