GRS was contracted by the Forest and Rangeland Resources Assessment Program (FRRAP) of California Department of Forestry to perform a remote sensing classification encompassing the 18-million acre Klamath Province in northern California.
In this project GRS classified Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery to create a quantified vegetion map. In addition, collateral elevation, aerial photography, and land cover data were used to enhance the imagery and guide the classification process. Elevation data were processed into slope and aspect coverages and used to remove illumination variation from the satellite imagery. GRS software was then used to aggregate classified pixel data into logical habitat types based on ecological associations and minimum size mapping unit rules. The supervised classification used approximately 900 field-measured training data collection sites. Field training plots were GPS located and integrated into the image processing environment. The final WHR habitat databases and maps were delivered to CDF in digital format compatible with ARC/INFO GIS. GRS was awarded this contract by CDF based on the the successful landcover mapping workflows and processes developed by GRS during a pilot study (Timberland Mapping Project).