Geographic Resource Solutions

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Home Consulting Services System Upgrade and Migration

System Upgrade and Migration

GRS provides assistance in evaluating GIS upgrade options and can assist in the migration to a new operating system or GIS software environment. If you would like to implement a solution from a different software vendor, or simply to grow from a single seat to departmental or enterprise system, GRS is experienced with most major GIS solutions and has implement systems ranging from single-seat to enterprise wide. 

GRS is experienced in a variety of operating systems including VMS, UNIX, Linux, Windows 9x,  Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. GRS is adept at translating graphic and attribute databases between GIS formats and designing work flows, procedures, and programs to assure a smooth transition between systems with minimal down-time.


GSA# GS-10F-0451NESRI Consultant